Small Town, Big Heart

Hi everyone, so this is my very first blog! Ugh, Rett Syndrome! So after going through day-to-day life with Rett syndrome, you sit back and think, well now what? Do we just sit here and wait for a cure? For our family, sitting back and doing nothing wasn't an option. We HAD to do something more to help find a cure for our daughter Gracie and all the girls and women with Rett.
So where do you begin when you live in a small town like we do? What do you do? If you’re doing an event, where do you hold it? Who will help? How much will we raise in a small town? These are some of the questions we had to think about. So after sitting down and talking with family, friends, and Tim Freeman at RSRT, we came up with a car show. We named it Rides For Rett. We partnered with another family that lives near us. Doing an event like this we realized that we had to reach out to family and friends and use any connections they had, along with giving them a designated job for the event. Honestly, once the ball gets rolling things just kind of come into place. The first year was the hardest because we had nothing to compare to, and companies and local businesses give to their "regular " charities every year. But we started by sending an introductory letter to all our friends and contacts and local businesses with a picture of our daughter, explaining Rett and RSRT.
Our first year was a success. We didn't raise a ton of money, but it was something for the research. And although that day was rainy, and we were running around like crazy people, WE HAD FUN!! We’re proud that 2017 will be our 4th annual Rides For Rett. Every year has gotten easier and bigger. Since Rides for Rett is now a known local event, we are receiving more sponsorships and donations from local businesses, in addition to generous contributions we get from friends and family. Even though it has its challenges and stresses it is still fun! Last year we raised $11,000 for RSRT. It is amazing how blessed we are that our small town has supported us this much. Having all those people supporting the research is the best feeling! It gives you hope, and it lets you know that you're not alone in this battle. We also are blessed to have other Rett families and their daughters within traveling distance come and support our show. It’s so nice to see and meet other families. This has been a great perk of having the event as well. It's almost like a family reunion every year.
We are getting closer every day to finding a cure, but the reality is research costs money. After doing our first event and truly seeing that people are willing to give to a good cause, I wish more families did some kind of event. It doesn't matter how big or small or if $100 is raised or $100,000 is raised. EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS. To me, I felt a sense of relief that I was able to do some part to help find a cure. Knowing what my daughter goes through on a daily basis, dealing with the "pains" of planning one event every year is the very least I can do for her. Thanks for reading my blog! Hopefully it gets you thinking about having an event in your area as well. Power in numbers, so let's all do our little part to cure Rett Syndrome!!!