Rett Syndrome Awareness Month 2016

Rett Syndrome Awareness Month is here! It’s important to spread the word about what Rett is and what causes it; how strong and amazing our daughters, granddaughters, sisters, and nieces who struggle with Rett and related disorders are (although very rare, boys can also have Rett and they and their families too are an important part of our community); what daily life is like when you have an afflicted child; and how research is moving us towards treatments and a cure. Here are some ways to share great information with your networks of family, friends, and colleagues. You can also make your awareness-building really count for the research by starting a RettGive campaign or contacting us about other ways to fundraise. All you need to get the word out about Rett is right here.
Rett Facts
Share these slides on facebook that cover some of the most important facts about Rett to help inform people. You can also download all slides as a zip file by clicking here.
Facebook & Twitter Profile Images
Customize your Facebook and Twitter profile with these graphics and encourage your friends and family to do the same for the month of October. This is one of the best ways to get extra attention!
Facebook Graphics:
Twitter Graphics:
Share Graphics:
You can also customize your profile picture by using Twibbon or download all graphics as a zip file by clicking here.
RettGive Campaign
Make a difference to the research! RettGive is RSRT’s own crowdfunding platform—every dollar raised goes right to the research. Anyone can create a campaign, and October is a great time to do it. Be a part of speeding the research to treatments and a cure. Here is a link to the Getting Started section of the site.
RSRT Key Facts
Share our latest Key Facts PDF document.
Annual Report
Share our Annual Report to give people a better idea of the research and progress taking place.
Latest News
Share these blog posts about the latest news on Rett Syndrome.
Share these blog posts about stories and personal experiences with Rett.
- Modern Family - Tim Freeman
- The Day My World Stood Still - Heidi Epstein
- If You're Going Through Hell, Keep Going - Rachael Stevenson
Our Website
It’s been almost a year since we launched our new website, and there is a TON of great information there for people to see. You can share a link to the site and different pages.