Monica Coenraads Awarded Honorary Doctoral Degree – UMass Medical School

We’re delighted to share this monumental honor with the Rett community. Our very own Monica Coenraads was awarded an honorary doctoral degree from UMass Medical School at their 2015 commencement ceremonies. It goes without saying that Monica’s knowledge, passion and courage provide not only the backbone but the spirit of our organization. We could think of nobody more deserving than Monica.
The chancellor put it best “A diagnosis that would have been an emotional setback for others, instead set the stage for your emergence as a central figure in one of the most successful advocacy stories in modern medicine.” She is truly a pioneer and our fiercest warrior leading the charge in the war on Rett.
“This is a great honor not only for Monica but also for RSRT. It’s a testament to the respect she and the organization have in the scientific and medical community. It’s also further testament to why all of us Rett parents are fortunate that Monica does what she does.”
2015 Commencement Dinner Remarks Video:
2015 Commencement Ceremony Video:
You can also watch a video created by UMass Medial to honor Monica here.